Wipro Capacity Building Program

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Expectations from Partner Organizations

Like with other partner organizations in the Wipro Foundation partner network, organizations onboarded under the capacity building partnership will also be expected to engage in regular touchpoints with the WF education team. The purpose of these touchpoints is to understand the capacities in the organization and the work done better. This will help the WF education team to effectively support the capacity building needs.

  • Quarterly Touchpoints: Every quarter, a call/meeting will be scheduled on a virtual platform for representatives from the partner organizations and the respective WF regional team. The agenda will be to discuss updates around capacity building and its impact in the educational quarter.
  • Quarterly/Half-yearly/Annual Reports: Periodic reports and documentation highlighting capacity building engagements and their impact on processes and perspectives will be requested from partner organizations.
  • Visit by Wipro Foundation Team: Representatives from Wipro Foundation’s Education Team will visit the partner organization once a year. This visit is intended to allow for interactions with the organization’s staff and stakeholders, and conversations around organizational, operational and educational matters.

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